Cardiolund blog

Creating the future of ECG analysis

ECG Parser version 2.4 is released

Cardiolund have today released ECG Parser version 2.4. This is a performance improving release that adjusts beat detection and signal segment categorisation and tagging.

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ECG Parser version 2.3 is released

Today the Cardiolund ECG Parser version 2.3 is released with performance improvements to beat detection, interval measurements, and classification of ectopic beats, resulting in significant performance enhancements to the rhythm analysis.

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Prediction of atrial fibrillation from sinus rhythm

A recent study has observed the accuracy of an artificial intelligence (AI)-based model to predict paroxysmal AF from a normal sinus rhythm single-lead ECG.

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AF and micro-AF screening study

A Norwegian screening study is exploring the occurence of AF and micro-AF in intermittent 30s thumb-ECGs recorded using the Zenicor device.

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Reliable AF detection using a wrist-worn device

A new scientific publication concludes that the PulseOn device can be reliably used for atrial fibrillation (AF) detection in an outpatient setting. Clinical performance is evaluated using the PulseOn Arrhythmia Monitor System that consists of a data management service and a wrist-worn device that combines both PPG and ECG measurements.

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Diagnostic accuracy of handheld ECG device

An evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of the Coala Heart Monitor (CHM) when used for detection of atrial tachyarrhythmia (ATA) and atrial fibrillation (AF) has been published.

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Cost-effectiveness of AF screening

The cost-effectiveness of population screening for AF in Sweden has been investigated in a new study. Using simulated population screening results the study shows that an AF screening strategy is cost-effective in 99.2% and cost-saving in 92.7% of the simulations.

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AFR as predictor of AF recurrence in horses

A new study is exploring the atrial fibrillatory rate (AFR) as predictor of recurrence of atrial fibrillation in horses treated medically or with electrical cardioversion.

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Study investigating prognostic implications of supraventricular arrhythmias

A recent study has investigated the prevalence and prognostic implication of progressive supraventricular arrhythmias from frequent supraventricular ectopic complexes, isolated, in bi- or trigeminy, to supraventricular tachycardias with different characteristics.

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Artificial intelligence used to reduce the review burden in AF screening

The use of artificial intelligence (AI), such as neural networks or other machine learning models, may help to bring down the manual ECG review burden in population screening for AF.

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ECG Parser version 2.2 is released

Today the Cardiolund ECG Parser version 2.2 is released with improvements to beat and rhythm classification performance.

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Study of manual review workload in AF screening

A new study evaluates the manual review workload and strategies to reduce the workload associated with ECG screening, based on results from the SAFER (Screening for Atrial Fibrillation with ECG to Reduce stroke) Feasibility Study.

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ECG Parser version 2.1 is released

The new version 2.1 of the Cardiolund ECG Parser is released today. The focus of this release is on providing system integration using dynamic link libraries in native code (no runtime required) on all major platforms and operating systems.

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Cardiolund has delivered an AI-based system for outcome prediction

The project for developing AI-based system for outcome prediction is completed, and Cardiolund has delivered a performant system that is being integrated into the Coala Life medical device products.

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Clinical performance of ECG Parser on home based recordings

A new study that reports on the clinical performance of the Cardiolund ECG Parser has been published: Åke Olsson, Symptom-Ruled Real World Arrhythmic Recordings With an Internet Based System, Circulation 2018;138:A12893.

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ECG Parser version 2 is released

A new major version 2.0 of the Cardiolund ECG Parser is released today. The focus of this release is on improving the specificity of the review groups used in atrial fibrillation (AF) screening of large databases with home based thumb-ECG recordings.

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Grant for developing AI-based system for outcome prediction

The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova) has awarded a research grant) of 1.2 million SEK to a project partnership between Cardiolund, Coala Life and Region Gävleborg.

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Cardiolund Research is now Cardiolund

We are consolidating our business, and will move forward with a more concise company name: "Cardiolund Research AB" is now "Cardiolund AB".

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Safe automatic screening for AF using Cardiolund ECG Parser

There is a growing interest in identifying AF patients at an early stage to be able to intervene the progression of the condition and to prevent stroke cases. Identifying AF patients may be complicated by factors such as AF being without symptoms (silent AF) for many patients, and the variety of non-critical arrhythmia that are found in ECGs in an ageing population.

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Detection of Atrial Fibrillation in home-based ECG measurements

There are multiple challenges when it comes to detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) in simplified home-based ECG measurements. In Cardiolund Research we create software algorithms that overcome these challenges, and enables automatic ECG analysis of simplified home-based measurements, for screening purposes.

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Profile of Cardiolund

The Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan has today published an article about Cardiolund (in Swedish). The same article is also printed on the economy pages of today's edition of the newspaper, see photo below.

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On the usefulness of AFR analysis and trending

The atrial fibrillatory rate (AFR) is an exciting topic that I've had the opportunity to research on over the last two decades, in my work with algorithms for signal processing of ECGs. Today we have a state-of-the-art algorithm for calculating atrial fibrillatory rate, which has important use cases in the prediction of spontaneous AF termination, or termination induced by DC conversion, anti-arrhythmic drugs and ablation procedures.

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What is an ECG parser?

We have built a powerful software tool we call the ECG Parser. This software transforms an ECG signal, or an entire database of ECG signals, into a very detailed description of the content.

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Seeing the iceberg under the surface

The electrocardiogram (ECG) and its standardised measures have been guiding cardiologists for more than 100 years. Today it's considered a mature technology that provides huge benefits to medical diagnosis and treatment all over the world.

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